Frequently Asked Questions

What is your shipping Policy?

Our shipping policy includes free shipping for all products within the continental USA. Hawaii and Alaska are subject to additional shipping charges. We collaborate with UPS, FEDEX, and reputable freight delivery companies for oversized items or commercial orders. For expedited shipping or any other questions, please contact us.

How can I track my order?

To track your order, you will receive an email confirmation once it is completed. A second email will be sent soon as your order is shipped with your order's tracking number. If you need assistance with tracking your order, please let us know.

How do I cancel my order?

To cancel your order, please contact us immediately at (888) 828-6017. Orders are processed the same day. For products shipped via standard UPS or FEDEX, orders canceled after shipment will incur a 25% restocking fee. The same restocking fee applies to products shipped via Freight Delivery. Custom orders cannot be canceled once in production.

What is the return policy?

You can return your purchase within 30 days of receipt for a refund of the purchase price, excluding shipping and handling costs. To qualify for a return authorization, products must be new and in their original box. If you return products with free shipping, the actual outbound shipping costs will be deducted from your refund. Additionally, a 25% restocking fee will be deducted from your refund for returned items, and you will be responsible for return shipping costs. Custom orders cannot be canceled. Return Policy

What happens if I refuse an order?

If you refuse an order, it will be subject to our standard return policy. Round-trip shipping and a 25% restocking fee will be deducted from your refund. Custom orders cannot be canceled or returned. Mattresses that are not standard size and unopened (36" x 80") cannot be returned.

Certain products, such as mattresses and beds, cannot be returned due to laws regarding used medical products. In case of a manufacturer's defect, we will replace the defective part, repair the item, or replace the entire unit as necessary. We offer a two-year warranty on all products and stand behind their quality. For any questions or concerns regarding our policies, including shipping or return policy, please contact us.

What type of payments do you accept?

We accept payments via Visa, MasterCard, AMEX, Discover, and Arrive financing for low monthly payments. For further information, email us at or call (888) 828-6017. If you have insurance, please contact your insurance company for guidance as we do not process insurance claims.

Can you tell me about

Our company's founders have extensive experience in home medical equipment. We have selected premium products that offer therapeutic pressure sore prevention and a range of treatment modalities. We prioritize patient outcomes and work closely with patients, family caregivers, and practitioners to provide the best solutions. Feel free to contact us for assistance with mattress selection.